Join Pie Footwear and Sarah DeGrave Movement for a hands on workshop where Sarah will lead you through restorative exercises for improving strength, mobility, alignment, and circulation in the feet.
Did you know your feet contain a quarter of the muscles and bones in your body? That’s 26 bones, 33 joints, and over 100 muscles, tendons, and ligaments per foot! The foot is a highly complex structure that rarely gets the attention it deserves.
Come give your feet some love and build a strong foundation for better health from the ground up!
This clinic will be suitable for all levels of fitness and perfect for everyone from the minimal shoe newbie to the barefoot pro. Space is limited to 7 people
Due to the temporary shop closure and social distancing this clinic will now be offered online! Sign up below and participate from the comfort of your home!
Functional Feet Clinic: Register HERE
Can’t make it to this one? Keep your eyes open for future clinics on topics including whole-body alignment, gait improvement and more! Sarah DeGrave is also currently accepting private coaching clients (learn more here).