Pie Footwear and Sarah DeGrave Movement Present:
Better Balance: Restorative Exercise Workshop - Saturday, September 23rd @ 11 am
Most of us think about our balance skills when we step on a patch of ice or try a new yoga pose, but did you know that balance affects everything from walking to sitting to putting on your shoes?
Aging, injury, and a sedentary lifestyle can all take a toll on the body’s ability to maintain balance during everyday activities, as well as when you find yourself on slippery or unstable terrain. Working on your balance can help prevent sprains and fractures, improve posture, and even enhance cognitive function.
In this movement workshop, you’ll learn exercises for improving joint stability, coordination, and proprioception (the body’s ability to sense where it is in space). We’ll also share tips on how to incorporate balance training into your everyday routine!
Space is limited to 8 people, so register today! - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/better-balance-a-restorative-exercise-workshop-tickets-693380538857?aff=oddtdtcreator
This workshop will be held outside in the back courtyard - enter through the shop and we'll show you the way!